We would like to reassure all of our current and future clients that we are following the latest Government guidance in relation to Covid-19.
  • House moves can still go ahead – for more information click here: https://gov.wales/moving-home-during-coronavirus-pandemic
  • Your safety and our staff safety is very important to us therefore we strictly adhere to the 2 meter social distancing rule, wear appropriate PPE, open all internal doors and ensure a clear air flow throughout the property by opening windows
Please make us aware if:
  • You, or anyone in your household has any symptoms related to Covid-19
  • You are in self isolation
  • You are shielding
House viewings and valuations:
  • Most of our properties now have video tours therefore we encourage a virtual viewing in the first instance
  • We can offer virtual valuations and also physical home visits in line with the Government guidelines
  • On physical visits we will adhere to social distancing and wear appropriate PPE
  • House viewers should wear appropriate PPE and avoid touching anything
  • Where possible, vendors should wait outside the property
Rental inventories, checkouts and maintenance:
  • The above will still go ahead for our landlords and tenants
  • On physical visits we will adhere to social distancing and wear appropriate PPE
  • Where possible, tenants should wait outside the property
Should guidelines change, this information will change accordingly. Thanks for your understanding.